AAJ Infotech offers Go .GLOBAL - Now at ₹995!!!

You can now avail .GLOBAL Domains at a fabulous discounted price of ₹4895.99 ₹995.50.

Read on to know more about this TLD that provides an instant worldwide recognition for brands - whatever their size.

Why .GLOBAL makes sense for you

  • Give your Your organizations, large and small, a name that broadcasts and identifies  them as global entities, operating on a universal scale
  • With a. GLOBAL extension, you can give your customers the opportunity to be included in a non-restrictive open registration policy

  • .GLOBAL unifies all geographic TLDs under one global umbrella for the ultimate  universal coverage.

  • .GLOBAL is an emerging extension that has a great inventory of short, memorable names available for registration.

  • Using .GLOBAL as the domain descriptor positions your customers' organization as bold and limitless.
    We at AAJ Infotech are running a promotion on this TLD. Look to make the most of this promo
    as your customers look to go global. With a discount of almost 78% get a .GLOBAL Domain 
    name for just ₹995.50.